I went to Delap's fruit stand and saw the different variety of apples. I thought the row of different color and sizes was a great contrast to the close up of the apples. This was taken at 10:54 AM.

I went to Walmart in Omak and saw these apples, an important part about apple harvest is selling apples to the public. These apples were the top of the top and being sold. The picture was taken at 1:09 PM.

Here's a quick picture of Maritza about to eat the apples off of Foyle's Orchard. This was taken at 11:36 PM.

I went to Delap's fruit stand and saw the different variety of apples. I thought the row of different color and sizes was a great contrast to the close up of the apples. This was taken at 10:54 AM.
fall colors

When taking my Apple Harvest photos there was a ranch nearby and I got this awesome picture of the horses. I like the water reflecting the sky the most. This was taken at 11:06 AM on October 10th.

As Martiza was walking to the tree to take pictures I asked her to stop so I could get a picture of her, I leveled the phone camera to the ground to get an interesting angle. The best part about this picture is her cardigan matching the leaves in the background. This was taken on October 8th, at 11:34 AM.

I took this picture because it what fall looks to me. It shows the sunny sky quickly turning into heavy thick clouds that'll rain on me. I took this picture on October 14th, at 7:35 AM.

When taking my Apple Harvest photos there was a ranch nearby and I got this awesome picture of the horses. I like the water reflecting the sky the most. This was taken at 11:06 AM on October 10th.

I took this picture on the very first snow day we had. This was the first picture where I had to step over snow to get this shot. This picture was taken at 4:40 PM on January 6th.

When asking my good friend Tori if she knew any spots to take pictures she recommended me this road, she said that the sunsets look really cool. I took her advice and I love the way this picture came out. I took this at 3:45 PM on January 9th.

I really like this picture as my last picture in the photoshoot. I took this while heading home exhausted from my volleyball tournament. It marks the ending of this shoot and really shows what peace and what home means to me. The still waters, closing mountains, and gentle sunset. I took this picture at 3:40 PM on January 9th.

I took this picture on the very first snow day we had. This was the first picture where I had to step over snow to get this shot. This picture was taken at 4:40 PM on January 6th.