In Multimedia we were asked to do an infographic. I have never used the program, Canva, before. I have done an infographic in Digitools but that was with PowerPoint. I learned so much using Canva. I learned how to add elements and work with a color pallet to make my infographic very appealing. I definitely had some trouble with using the right pictures because not everything that you were able to post you could use because I didn't have the pro. I chose to do my infographic on Waste Management in inspiration of the essay I wrote in Mr. Busching's English 10 class. We had to write an expository essay on things that are a threat to a world and it had to be something that we were passionate with. I wrote about climate change so this little infographic would help others be more aware of their waste and how to help the environment. I was able to download and build this fun infographic with no problems from Canva.

For my second infographic I decided to do something close to what my previous infographic was. By reading my first one, inspired by Mr. Busching's assignment on ways the world will end, you might be curious on how more ways to help the environment. Some people might not be able to recycle like here in Brewster due to the recycling centers being closed down however they might want to continue in other ways to be more loving to the earth and our beautiful environment. When learning about other's lifestyles I myself get intimated by hardcore no-waste people. I want to do simple changes in my life to help but not in a way that I have to completely change everything I do. That's another reason why I made this simple infographic, to show others how simple and easy it can be to change for the environment. I was able to build this on Venngage but my troubles were on how to download it. They only let members who bought their programs to be able to download their newly made infographic so I had to screenshot and upload this infographic to my blog.
